LEAP Intro Picture + LOGO

LEAP Initiative: 2024 Leaders for Equity, Advocacy, and Progress

In 2024, with the support of the Amplify Her Foundation grant, PowHer® New York recruited and began to train our first LEAP (Leaders for Equity, Advocacy and Progress) Initiative cohort. 

To create enduring change, the inaugural LEAP Initiative program aims to engage, educate and inspire diverse female leaders to innovate, activate, and advocate in our movement. It is critical to build a pipeline of leaders from diverse backgrounds who are prepared to step up into leadership roles, whether they be in public roles, working in organizations whose purpose is to create policy change, or community organizing as activists and advocates for specific issues.

The LEAP program brings organizers and practitioners into community with program participants, allowing for learning, networking, and collective action. We center the voices of women of color as guest speakers and have a diverse inaugural cohort. 

The LEAP Initiative Program is structured around skill-building, networking, and hands-on advocacy experience. In each session, members of the LEAP cohort:

  • Learn skills and how to influence policy from the life experience of real policy leaders and mentors
  • Network with professional advocates and policy leaders, and other participants to build mutual support and community
  • Advocate on economic justice and issues of interest to the participants in collaboration with the PowHer®NY Network.

With an inaugural cohort of more than 20 young women in the early stages of their advocacy careers, the LEAP Initiative monthly meetings are underway!

Session 1: Introductions & Objectives April 30th LEAP Session 1 (2) LEAP Session 1 (3)

Session 2:  Advocacy for Policy and Social Change May 21st

Advocacy in Action Speaker:

Na’ilah Amaru, Let NY Vote

Session 3:  Communications to Create Impact June 11th

Advocacy in Action Speakers:

Deanne Braveman, Campaign & Public Strategist, Mercury  LLC

Sasha Ahuja, Campaign Director, New Yorkers for Equal Rights

Session 4: Community Engagement and Activation July 16th

Advocacy in Action Speaker: 

 Shii-Anna Mudie, Brownsville Green Justice

LEAP Summer Social August 6th

Summer Social Group PhotoLEAP Cohort 2

Session 5:  Flip the Switch, PowHer the Vote September 10th

Session 6:  Relationship Building in NYC, Albany and the Federal Level October 8th

Session 7:  Post Election Analysis November 19th