
Keep Paid Sick Days in this year’s NYS Budget!

Governor Cuomo has made Paid Sick Days a priority and included it in the Executive Budget, which is currently under negotiation with the NYS Senate and Assembly. Take action today to tell NYS leadership that all New Yorkers need Paid Sick Days now!

Eleven states and 38 municipalities, including New York City and Westchester County, have passed laws giving workers the right to earn and use paid sick days. But, an estimated 1.3 million workers in New York State still lack access to a single paid sick day. Without job protected, paid sick days, calling in sick for these employees can mean the loss of critical income, a change in shift that jeopardizes childcare arrangements or transportation, or even the loss of a job. Too many workers feel compelled to come to work sick—or send a child to school sick—rather than be short on groceries or the rent.

Send your message now: Keep Paid Sick Days in this year’s NYS Budget!

Contact about the New York Statewide Paid Leave Coalition promoting the NYS Paid Sick Days Campaign.