
INFOGRAPHIC: Earnings Gap Between Male and Female Faculty Members Highest at These Institutions

Reposted from University Herald

Half the Ivy League and six other prestigious U.S. colleges and universities made up the top 10 schools with the largest male-to-female salary gap.

According to rankings from, male faculty members at these institutions made an average of $40,000 more than their female counterparts. For their ranking, the data website gathered information on the 2011-2012 academic year from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Pennsylvania, Columbia, Princeton and Harvard represented the Ivy League on the list, which was rounded out by Rockefeller University, New York Law School, Duke, University of Chicago, Northwestern and the University of Texas – M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Rockefeller had the highest earnings gap among 50 or more male and female faculty members at nearly $47,765. At the other end of the top 10 was Texas, with an earnings gap of nearly $35,885.

Below is a table of the top 10, click here to see the full list.

Though Texas, New York Law and Harvard made the list for gender salary gap, they also are among the schools that pay their female faculty members highest on average. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology also pays its female faculty well, but did not make this list because they actually pay their male faculty about $7,000 less on average.

New York Law Dean and President Anthony W. Crowell told the Huffington Post his school is currently addressing faculty compensation.

“When I arrived two years ago, we began to evaluate the entire operation, and we continue to identify areas where changes may be necessary,” he said. “Compensation is one area that has been under review.”

A spokesperson for Rockefeller University said their own data contradicted the rankings compiled.

“However, our own data show that the average salary for women faculty members is similar to, and actually slightly higher than, that for men for all three professorial ranks, assistant, associate and full,” Franklin Hoke told the HP. “The perceived disparity you highlight may arise because there are more men than women at the most senior level, a fact that reflects hiring decisions made decades ago and which is not unusual in science. Our small size and exclusive focus on science makes it difficult to draw meaningful comparisons with the other, much larger and more broadly-focused, institutions on the list.”